We created an organized, affordable way for hospitals to purchase medical inventories from suppliers. Removing the middle-man between hospitals and manufacturers is a vital step to making inventories both less expensive for hospitals and more profitable for suppliers.
Suppliers could easily list their inventories while hospitals could see the product history to help them make the most practical purchase choices. Our website helped improve the entire process for every party involved.
USA, Raleigh
1 senior developer, 1 middle frontend developer, 1 project manager (part-time), 1 QA engeneer (part-time)
Success Story
The prices for medical equipment are usually excessive because of the third parties in the sales network. The hospitals are forced to purchase the equipment at higher prices.
A platform created by a dedicated development team aimed to enable the direct sales of medical equipment from suppliers directly to hospitals to make them affordable.
Hospitals got access to medical equipment for the prices of suppliers and saved their budgets significantly.
User Interface

They fully invested in our partnership and were motivated to see it succeed.